

Gravitation is the chapter of Physics covers the syllabus of class 9 th  that covers Newton’s Gravitation law, acceleration due to gravity, freely fall body, Thrust and  Principle of Archimedes.




If we release a small stone  without pushing it from  a height it accelerated towards  the earth.  the stone is when  accelerated towards the  earth it means that some force  is acting on it .

The force which pulls the objects towards  the Centre  of the earth  is known  as gravitational force of the earth.

The stone also attracts the earth, it means every object  in the universe attracts every other objects


Sir Isaac Newton in 1687  proposed  a law  about the force of attraction between the two objects in the  universe which  is called  Newton’s  law of gravitation.

It states that  Every mass in this universe attracts every other  mass with  a force which is directly proportional to  the product of the mass  and inversely proportional to the square of to distance between them.


Newton's law of gravitation

let  mass m1 and m2 distance r than  force of attraction F

F∝ m1xm2  ___________1   

F∝ 1/r²———–2

combing the equation 1 &2   

    F=G m1xm2/ r²

G is the gravitational Constant  = 6.67 x10 ¯¹¹  N m¯²/ kg²

RELATION BETWEEN  IIIrd law of motion  and Newton’s law of gravitation :

According  to Newton’s  3rd law of motion that  Every object exerts equal and opposite force on the other object but opposite  direction and in Newton’s law of gravitation that  every mass in the universe attracts every other mass.

Incase of freely falling stone and earth,  stone is attracted towards the earth means the  earth attracts the stone but according  to Newton’s third law of motion,

the stone should also attract  the earth  really it is true that stone also attracts the earth  with the same force 

F= ma                F=m1xm2/r²

so g towards the earth = 9.8 m/s² but  acceleration towards the stone is very  less


It is the force that binds us to the earth , the motion of moon around the earth , the motion  of the earth around the sun  , The tides due to moon in the sea .

This  fall under  the influence of the earth is called  ‘ free  fall of  an  object ”

During this  free fall direction  do not change but the velocity continuously changes which is called acceleration due to gravity  denoted by g  unit m/s^2


The uniform acceleration produced in a freely   falling body due to the gravitational force of the earth, is called acceleration  due to gravity. It is denoted by  “g” it always acts towards the Centre of the earth

Let us suppose  mass of earth M , mass of body placed on the earth be m than the force of attraction on the surface of earth if radius of earth be R

F= GMm/R² which is equal to weight of body = mg

mg= GMm/R²

=> g= GM/R²


We can  measure mass of object by the inertia, the total quantity of matter contained  in the body is called mass of the body, it always remain constant  and measured by beam balance .

whereas  weight is equal to product of mass and acceleration due to gravity It is the gravitational force by which  earth attracts an objects , it depends upon g  so it vary with the value of g  itis measured by spring balance

VARIATION IN THE VALUE OF” g’  Earth is not perfectly spherical .

The radius of earth at equator is more than the radius of earth at poles so value of “g” is mimimum at equator and maximum at pole

Examples :

If the height of an object from the Centre of the earth is made double than value of g becomes 1/4 times of g at earth  The value of  g decreases as either go up / high from the surface of earth or we go inside the earth.

Weight of the object on the surface of moon is 1/6  of the surface on the earth because value of  g on moon is 1/6 times of the value of g at earth. suppose a person weighs 600 newton on earth he will weigh 100 newton at moon .


It is the force acting on the object perpendicular to the surface of the object.


Thrust per unit aera  is called pressure

Pressure = Force/ aera 

Newton /meter² or Pascal (unit )


a) Applied Force

b) Aera of surface on which force acts .


a) The base of high buildings is made wider so that weight of walls act over a large surface aera and reduce the pressure 

b) School bags are having broad  strap so that the weight  of school bags fall over the large surface aera  of the shoulder  which reduces the pressure of the bags over shoulder 

c) The blades of knives are sharp as the surface aera is less  so less force is applied to cut vegetables/ fruits   

d) All liquids or gases are fluid which exert pressure in all direction over the walls of containers.


It is the upward force experienced by an object  when  it is  immersed wholly/partially into the liquid/ fluid It acts in upward direction and depends on the density of the fluid volume of object immersed in fluid


a)When the force of gravitation attraction of the earth on the surface of the object/ weight of the object < or = to the  buoyant force exerted by the fluid  on the surface of object  than the object always floats.

b) When the force of gravitation attraction of earth on the surface of the object is more than the  buoyant force exerted by the fluid on the surface of object  than the body sinks in liquid  that is why  ship floats on the surface of water but small pin  sinks


The mass per unit volume is called density  of the body

If Mis the mass Vis the volume d is the density than   d= M/V 

SI unit  kg/ meter³



When a body is immersed wholly or partially in the liquid it experiences apparent a loss of  weight which equal to the weight to the liquid displaced my the immersed body.

This principle is mostly used in determining the relative density of  substances, it is also used in designing the ships/ submarine , the lactometer/ hydrometer works on this principle.


It is the ratio of density of  substance to the density of water at 4Deg C

RD = Density of substance/ density of water  It has no unit because of being ratio

Volume of substance x density = Volume of immersed part of body x density of  liquid

Examples :

a) Relative density of gold is 19.3  density of water is 1000 kg/m^3 than density of gold is  by definition  RD = Density of substance/ density of water

19.3 = density of gold/ density of water

density of gold = 19.3x 1000=19300 kg/m³


b) Volume of 0.025m^3 of aluminum mass id 67kg than the density is mass/ volume

67/0.025 =2680 kg/m³.

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Read More: Force and laws of Motion



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