Natural Vegetation and Wild life

Natural Vegetation and Wild life

Natural Vegetation and Wild life is the Chapter from Geography  of class 9 covering the complete text and syllabus  of class 9

natural vegetation and wild life


NATURAL VEGETATION  refers to  a plant community  which has grown naturally without human intervention for longtime. It is also termed as Virgin Vegetation .

On the basis of it’s residence  are of two types

i) Endemic  are those which are purely native

ii)Exotic are those which are brought for some other place long ago.

The term Flora is used to denote plants of a particular region period and the species of the animals are referred as Funa


Natural Vegetation and wild lif


Habitat for particular plant / wild  animal eg Jim Corbet  is the national park for the tiger reserve , size range is .4- 3162 sq km tourism permissible .


 It is the natural aera reserved for the species – oriented  plant/animals eg Manas Bird Sanctuary  general size range of .6 to 7818 sq km and tourism permissible .


 It is the natural aera meant to reserve all form of life ie ecosystem oriented such as Simlipal Bio reserve. The size  5670sq km but not permissible for tourism.

LAND,SOIL , TEMPERATURE ,SUNLIGHT  AND PRECIPITATION are the important factors affecting the flora and fauna of the place.


The nature of land influences type of vegetation as undulating and rough terrains developed into a verity of natural wildlife as compared to fertile land which is used for agriculture


There are different types of soil support different vegetation sandy soil supports thorny  bushes where as deltaic soil support  mangrove vegetation


we can see that tropical aera has verity of vegetation as compared to temperate region. More-over as we go to the higher altitude, vegetation cover changes from temperate forest to grassland to tundra and finally alpine type .


 It is the heavy rainfall aeras have generally dense vegetation cover as compared to scanty rainfall are aeras.


Itis observed that due to longer duration of sunlight trees grows faster in the summer as compared to the other season of year


The system  of interaction among biotic component and their interaction with abiotic component of a particular  aera is called ecosystem . such as pond ecosystem , river ecosystem, lake , forest and grassland

Ecosystem is classified into

a) Biotic Component such as producers as plants , consumer as human being and decomposer as bacteria and fungi .

b)Abiotic component such as climate factor like rain, wind and temperature soil and mineral

Types of Ecosystem :

a) Terrestrial land which consist of forest, grassland and desert

b) Aquatic  further divide into pond, lake river and Estuary.

A very large ecosystem of an aera having distinct types of flora and Fauna is called Biome

BIOSPHERE ==.> BIOME ==>ECOSYSTEM ===> COMMUNITY ===>POPULATION =>INDIVIDUAL are  related to each other.


It gives medicined , supply of oxygen , It supply manure ,

It is controlling floods and land degradation,

It is natural Habitual to wild life ,

It maintaining the climate a place, supply of food stock  ,

It helps the preventing soil erosion and maintaining the fertility , the it control temperature of a place

It provides fuel and also help in bringing rain



are those which have rainfall more than 200cm they are having warm and wet climate. Trees shed leaves at different times of the year , the heigh of the trees is more than 60 m . It has very dense and  forms canopy it’s woods are hard .

Wildlife are elephant, monkey , lemur ,deer , verity of birds , sloth Scorpio and snakes  mostly found in western ghats, Andaman and Nicobar Island , Lakshadweep ,Assam and Tamil Nadu


is classified into Wet Deciduous having rainfall of 200-100 cm and Dry Deciduous with rainfall of 100cm – 70 cm they have same variety of tree , it shed their leaves at the same time of the year  woods are moderately hard such as teak, Sal , shisham , bamboo , khair sandalwood , Arjun Mulberry , Pipal and Neem

wild life found are Lion, tiger, deer, pig, elephant , Variety of birds lizards , snakes and Tortoise it is found in aera of Jharkhand ,Orissa ,Chhattisgarh , Northern eastern states , Bihar and UP


is the area having less than 70 cm rainfall . Mostly thorny bushes and trees. Trees are deep rooted . Leaves modified into into spine and stem have waxy  coating to reduce loss of water .

Acacia, Palm , Cacti and Euphorbias Rats, mice rabbits fox wolf wild ass camel it is found in  Gujarat, Rajasthan, arid region  of MP ,  and Chhattisgarh Haryana


is classified between 1000-2000m is wet temperate forest  which have broad leaves and soft wood  oak and chestnut are found, 1t the height of 1500m – 3000m temperate forest are found where we find cone shape trees , needle like leaves to protect from snow deposition ,at the higher level grassland is found Pine, deodar silver fir , spruce cedar.

  Kashmir stag , spotted bear , sheep jack rabbit they are found in Jammu and Kashmir , Himachal Pradesh , Uttarakhand . Alpine Vegetation is found at the height more than 3600 m the grassland used by pastoral nomads of that aera Juniper, Pine and Birches  Red Panda , snow Leopard  are found . Tundra vegetation in which there are no trees and grassland therefore mosses, lichens are found.


Sundari trees has root submerged in saline water provide hard timber Sundari , palm ,coconut agar

Bengal tiger , turtle, crocodiles, gharials ,snakes Delta of Mahanadi , Kavari , Godavari and West Bengal

WILD LIFE PROTECTION  ACT  was implemented in 1972 in India .

India is only the country where both  Lion and Tigers are found .Gir Forest of Gujarat  is the last  remaining habitat  of ASIANTIC LION .

The country has around 90 thousand  of animal species, 2000 species of birds ,2546 species of fishes 5-8% of the world’s amphibians, reptiles and mammals.

To protect the  flora and fauna the government has taken the following steps

i) Eighteen biosphere  reserves have been establish in the country to protect the flora and  fauna.

ii) Financial and technical support is provided to many Botanical Gardens by the Government since 1992.

The project Tiger, Project Rhino , Project  Great Indian Bustard and many other eco-system development project have been introduced . 103 national parks , 535 wild life  sanctuaries and zoological gardens  have been set up to take care of natural  habitat of the  fauna.


i)Sundarbans in West Bengal

ii) Simlipal in Odisha

iii) Gulf of Mannar in Tamil Nadu

iv)Dihang and Dibang in Arunachal Pradesh

v)The Nilgiris  in Tamil Nadu , Kerala , Karnataka 

vi) Dibra Saik Howa in Assam

vii) Nanda Devi in Uttarakhand

viii)Agasthya Malai in Kerala ,Tamil Nadu

ix)Norek in Meghalaya

x) Kanchenjunga in Sikkim

xi) Manas in Assam

xii)Panchami in MP

xiii) Great Nicobar in Andaman and Nicobar Island

xiv) Achan Akmar and Amarkantak in MP and Chhattisgarh


1) Kaziranga in Assam in 1974 to reserve one horned Rhino , elephant and Tiger

2) Manas in Assam in1990  to preserve roofed turtle, golden langur

3)Gir in Gujarat in1975  to preserve Asiatic Lion

4) Hemis in J&K in1981 for snow leopard

5)Bandipore in Karnataka in 1974 to preserve Asian elephant and tiger

6)Paraiyar in Kerala in 1982 for Nilgiris Languor, Flying squirrel

7) Ernakulum in Kerala in 1978  to preserve  Nilgiris Thar , Atlas moth , elephant

8) Bandhavgarh in MP in 1982 to tiger, leopard and boars.

9) Kanha in MP in 1955 to preserve tiger, leopard and elephant

10) Madhav in MP in 1959 to preserve Indian Gazelle , Nilgai , Sambar 11)Panna in MPin1973 for tiger, wolf , chital

12) Keoladeo in Rajasthan in 1981 to preserve the Siberian Crane, Migratory Birds species

13) Ranthambore in Rajasthan in 1980tiger ,leopard and boars

14) Sariska in Rajasthan in 1982  to preserve  four horn deer, caracal , leopard

15) Madumlai in Tamil Nadu in 1940 to preserve tiger, leopard , elephant and vulture

16) Corbet in Uttarakhand  in !936 for tiger , leopard and elephant

17) Nada Devi in Uttarakhand 1988  to preserve tiger and leopard .

18) Valley of Flowers in Uttarakhand in 1980 snow leopard, musk deer red fox 190Dudhwa in UP in 1977 for tiger and Rhino

20) Sunderban in West Bengal in 1984 Royal Bengal Tiger

 Conclusion: Natural Vegetation and Wildlife of India 


India has  different  kind of natural vegetation due to its varied climate and topography which include:

 Tropical Rainforests found in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Western Ghats, and parts of Northeast India. These are dense forests with tall trees and rich biodiversity.  Tropical Deciduous Forests that Cover a large part of the country, shed leaves in dry seasons. Examples teak and sal forests. Thorny Scrub Forests Which is Common in arid regions like Rajasthan, characterized by thorny plants adapted to dry conditions. Mountain Vegetation which varies with altitude, from subtropical forests at lower levels to alpine meadows at higher elevations in the Himalayas. Mangrove Forests is found along the coasts, in the Sundarbans delta which protect coastal aera .

India is home to a rich variety of wildlife  include the Bengal tiger, Indian elephant, Indian rhinoceros, and Asiatic lion. The peacock is the national bird. Reptiles  including various snake species, crocodiles, and the Gharial. Marine Life including dolphins, whales, and sea turtle

 India has established numerous national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and biosphere reserves. Project Tiger is successful conservation initiative to protect Bengal tigers   Indian Wildlife Protection Act Provides legal protection to wild animals, birds, and plants.

We have to face lots of challenges in this regard due to deforestation and urbanization, human settlements expand into animal habitats. Illegal hunting  still a threat to many species .

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