The Story of Palampur and People as Resources

The Story of Palampur and People as Recourses


The Story of Palampur and People as Resources are the Economics chapters   of class 9th which covers the detail study to create the clear understanding to the students


THE STORY OF VILLAGE  PLAMPUR :  In the story of Palampur the village of Palampur are imaginary and all subject are taken as  assumption

i) The Land Distribution :

There are 15 families  who are landless , 240families have small lands , 60 families are medium class farmers and few farmers are large farmers 

ii) The Factors of Production in Palampur are Land , Labour , capital which is  in fixed and  human capital working in which big farmers give lands to small and landless labours

.They give land also to work on  landless labourers work on daily wages

iii)Farming is the main activity of Palampur , Dairy , shopkeeping ,Transport services , small  manufacturing units are the main source of economic activities .

The main products are sold in Raiganj and some are kept for self consumption and money earned is used further in business . Palampur has well connected  roads to neighboring villages and towns .

It has two primary schools , one high schools . There is one government Primary HealthCenters and one private dispensary.

 The farmers of Palampur use modern methods of Farming while they use HYV seeds ,Fertilizers Pesticides , modern irrigation facilities’ to achieve motive of Green Revolution.


factor of production 1factor of production2

FACTORS OF PRODUCTION  in The Story Of Palampur

a) Land which includes natural resources such as water, forest and minerals

b) Labour are those people who work for the development of the economy

c) Capital are used of two types

i ) Fixed capital which includes machines, building and tools

ii)Working capital which includes raw material and cash in hands

d) Human Capital which means knowledge and enterprise include skills and education.

Agriculture in the  story of Palampur :The agriculture crop  year in India  is from July to June. Agriculture seasons are classified into three  cropping seasons

a) Rainy Seasons /Kharif  from  July to October  main crops sown are Jowar, bajra , rice , maize , cotton , tobacco

b) Winter Season /Rabi

c) Summer season/ Zaid  March – June  crops in this are watermelon, Toris , cucumber , leafy vegetables and flowers

MULTIPLE CROPPING  is the practice of growing more than one crop on the same piece of land during one crop year.

Agriculture practices carried out in  India from acient period  ,Traditional Farming adheres to the  traditional method  of agriculture .

On the other hand ,modern farming experiments with the implementation of the advanced technology .

The basic  difference between  traditional Agriculture practices carried out in  India from ancient period  ,

Traditional Farming adheres to the  traditional and modern farming  is the technology . The standard method of measuring land is hectare that is one hectare = 10000 sq metre


green revolution 1

Traditional Farming  mostly labour intensive are workers  from the family , traditional seeds are sown ,in the name of fertilizers cow dung and other natural manure are used, ploughing is done by animals and bullocks  harvesting is done manually.

Persian wheels were used by farmers to draw water from wells , canals and mostly depends on rainfall capital needed is very less it comes under subsistence farming

In the Modern Farming Labour are hired ,  farmers use HYV seeds , Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are used , Costly machinery, tractors and threshers.

Tube wells , pumps sets canals ,dams tanks are used for irrigation as modern technology is used which is capital intensive more capital is needed

green reolution 2

GREEN REVOLUTION ; There was great increase in the  production of wheat and rice in India in 1960 is called Green Revolution .

It  could happen owing to the introduction  of modern farming by use of HYV seeds , use of fertilizers and Pesticides along with modern methods of irrigation  techniques such as tube wells , and modern farming machinery

Due to Green Revolution there was increase in Agricultural production, which also increase  the employment opportunities, created the strong bonding between agriculture and industry and farmers became market oriented

Green revolution also produce  negative impact on agriculture land by loss of fertility , use of more water causes depletion of water table , green revolution was confined to limted aera such as Punjab and western UP which created the regional economic disparities among the farmers and also created inter personal inequalities


people as resource


They are the human resource which is called workable population an asset for the economy rather than a liability  therefore known as human capital when there is investment  made in the form of education, training and medical care

,It is the stock of human skill and productive knowledge embodied in them. This is one way superior to other resources like land, physical capital  they cannot become useful unless utilized fruitfully by the skill of human beings.


People as resource a perforce can  be said those who have productive skills and abilities of a country’s working class .

The population who has an ability to contribute to the creation of the gross national product (GNP) with the help of their education, Skill , Training and good health sour

Human beings perform many function which can be grouped  into Economic and Non – Economic activities. Education and Skill are the major determinant of earning of any individual in the market .

Population becomes the human capital when the investment  made in the form of education , training and medical care  as Japan did not have natural resources made it developed and wealthy country

ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES in People as Resources are classified into

economic activity

a) Market Activities which refer to those activities of man/ woman which are undertaken for a monetary gain to satisfy his/her needs


economic activity

b)Non – Economic Activities are ones that are not undertaken for any monetary gain . These are also called unpaid activities for example Puja in one’s home , housekeeping, helping the poor cooking food for the family .

IMPOTRANCE OF EDUCATION ;The quality of population depends upon the literacy rate, life expectancy and skills formation acquired by the people of the country .

Education is the most important  component of human resource development.

a) It helps individual to make better use of economic opportunities available before him

b)It contributes towards the growth of society and also enhances the national income, cultural richness and efficiency of the governance

c) Measures like SARVA SIKSHA  ABHIYAN (SSA) MID DAY MEAL SCHEME (MDM) and RIGHT to EDUCATION ACT (RTE)  have been introduced to push education at the farthest end

right to education

HEALTH is another very important component of human resource development. Efficiency of workers largely de[ends on their health.


In the unorganized sectors women meagre education and low skills , women are paid low , unequal salary ,

They do not have job security  and legal protection is meagre ,there is absence of basic facilities like maternity leave , child care and other social security systems

ORGANISED SECTORS  They work  according Education and Skills  with the regular job with Security . The Salary according to  Government  Rules and regulation.

Legal protection is available . Women avail abilities of Basic facilities like maternity leave ,childcare and other social security systems If a person is healthy he would give his maximum output in his working hours resulting the growth of economy.

UNEMPLOYMENT :  is said  to exist when  people whi are willing to work at the prevailing wage rates cannot find jobs. They are classified into

a) SEASONAL  UNEMPLOYMENT ;It occurs when people fail to get work during some months of the year that is during off season such as Farm Labourers usually face this kind of the problem

b) DISGUISED UNEMPLOYMENT : It refers to a situation where the number of workers in a job is more than actually required to do he job. The extra number of workers is disguisedly unemployed.

This can be seen in the agricultural workforce where more than required number ( say 13 people ) of a family  members is involved in work that could be done by four people means that 9 people are disguisedly unemployed as their presence /absence does not matter

c) URBAN UNEMPOLYMENT    occurs when the educated person do not get employment according to its educational level /has to work below it . People having higher degree of educational qualification do not have work to do or computer engineer with degree is working as data entry operator in a firm


i) It is the wastage of manpower resources

ii)People who are an asset for the economic development turn into liability

iii) There is a feeling  of  hopelessness and dispair among  the youth of society

iv) It tends to increase  economic overload

v) Unemployment  has detrimental impact on the overall growth of an economy .Increase in unemployment is an indicator of depressed economy .

vi) Unemployment leads  to decline in health status of the individual .

Conclusion :  The  Story of Palampur gives the idea of economic and social status of Indian village by reading  the students get idea about life of village people in India and People as Resource  gives the brief idea about the employment and its problem in the  country

Conclusion : The Story of Palampur and People as Resource

We have tried to explain the economic condition of imaginary place as Village of Palampur to give the basic idea of economic condition of  Indian Village .

It also throw light on People as Human capital for the development of the developing country like India.

Read More : Poverty and food Security

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