Security in Contemporary World

Security in Contemporary World

Security in Contemporary World is the chapter of class 12th CBSE political science consist of Important questions of year paper and points to remember to cover whole chapter in short.

security in contemporary world

Security in Contemporary World

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1 Which of the following is concerned under traditional Security a) Attack by neighboring Countries b) spread of pandemic diseases c)Gobal warming

2.Which of the following is not global threat a) Global Warming b) International Terrorism c)Epidemics d) Rising Prices.

3.Which among the following is the non- traditional security ? a)War b) Manufacturing of Weapons c) Terrorism d)Internal Disturbances

4. Terrorism refers to a) bomb blast at market place /train b) Systematic creation of atmosphere of fear society  using brutal violence c)external attack by military group

Security in Contemporary World

Important Very short Answers (in points to think) Questions (only)

1.Explain the importance of ARM CONTROL as a measure of traditional Security ?

2. Define Security ? ****

3.Define Co-operative Security .?*** Give it’s forms .

4.What is meant by Disarmament ?

5. Mention any two new threats  to the security of state.

6. What is balance power as Significant  component of traditional Security ?***

7.How is the alliance building a component of traditional security ?

8. Why is Human Security important than territorial Security ?

9. What is Human Security ?*** Mention two of them  in Political Field .

10. State any one  measure to deal with terrorism as the new source of threat to security ?

11. What are i) Global Security ii) Territorial Security iii) non Territorial Security

12. What did BWC in 1972 decide ?

13. Explain terrorism as a threat of Security ?

14.What is the notion of i) Traditional Security ? *** ii) non Traditional Security ***? Hlighligh them

15. Mention any two measures to strengthen India’s Traditional Security ?**

16 Explain the difference between Refugee and Migrant ?

17. Highlight the main Reason that led to emergence of idea of Global Security?

  18. High light  any two new Sources  of threat being faced by the III world Countries . 

Security in Contemporary World

Meaning and Types

Security means Freedom From Threats 

It also protect the core Values . It is related to dangerous threat 

It endanger our core Values. It is required for each system if there is destruction in any system it will destroy the whole system.

Security can be categorised into different Notions :

a) Traditional Notions : External

1.The most substantial danger from Military Threat it is due to enemy country which takes the military action which threats to Sovereignty, independence and territorial Integrity .

In response  of Military action by the another country three option are left with Country they are a)To surrender b)To prevent from attacking by promising to raise the costs of war to unacceptable level c) To defend when War  breaks out and to nullify the objective of attacking country by pushing them to defeat altogether.

Components of Traditional Security

a) DETERRENCE : It is the security Policy which is concerned with preventing War

b) DEFENCE: The security policy which is concerned with limiting /ending the War.

c) Balance of Power: There should be the Balance of power between bigger and smaller countries

d) ALLIABCE BUILDING: It is the coalition of states that Co ordinate their actions to defend against  military attacks.

Internal Traditional Notions  in Security in Contemporary World

It is concerned with Internal Security which has not been given much importance. As Most of the European Countries did not face any treat from groups/communities living near the borders

After the World War II, the circumstances have not appeared for internal Security for the Countries as it was in Past.

It is fact that newly Independent Countries in ASIA or AFICA had and have been facing some military conflicts with the neighboring Countries. They are also concerned with the internal security as internal military conflicts. These countries having the threat both from outside from neighbor Countries as well as inside

Internal Wars are make up 95% of all armed conflicts fought in the world . The Civil Wars have increased more than 12 times since 1946

The new states  are having external and internal wars which is great threat to their security.

Security in Contemporary World: Non Traditional Notions

This goes beyond the Military threats this include wide range threats which affects the living conditions of  human existence which include a) Global Security b) Human Security

Global Security :  This idea came up in 1990 in response to global nature of threats like Global Warming, Bird Flu , International Terrorism, COVID , AIDS etc

Human Security : It is related to the protection of people which becomes more important than the protection of the states. Secured state is meaningless without people . It has been notice more people have been killed by the government of the country than being killed in Wars in last 100years.

     Security in Contemporary World: Traditional Security and Cooperation   

In this type of security   it is  recognized that  it is possible in limiting the violence by co-operation which is related to both the ends and means of wars .

Sometimes Countries accept the path of war for the right reason such as self defense or protecting their people from genocide

It also include all co-operation and the most important of these disarmament, arms control and confidence building.


Security in Contemporary World:  New Source of Threats

Some of the new sources of threats at the global  level today 

Terrorism :  1)  It is a systematic use of brutal violence which    creates the atmosphere of fear in society .  In the international terrorism citizens and the territory of more than on country are involved. 2)Prominently it is used in politico- religious purposes 3) Since 9/11 terrorist attack on America created great awareness about terrorism in the world 4) Most of the terrorist attack had taken place in Middle East, Europe, Latin America, South Asia in last decade.                                                                                                       

Threat to Human Rights : It is related to basic rights of Human beings

 1)Political Rights such as Freedom of Speech and Assembly 

 2)Economic and Social Rights  3) The right of colonising people for Ethnic and Indigenous minorities.

There is no such agreement so that Human Rights be considered Universal Human Rights or rules of the action  by international Community on violation of Rights.

Global Poverty: It indicates the condition of states with low income and less Economic growth. It is another source of insecurity.

Half of the world Population is in China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh ,Nigeria  and Indonesia which becomes three times in next 50 years on the other hand the population of the developed countries will going to be decrease in the coming decade.

The difference have also become acute within South  few of the countries have managed to control their population due to which the economic growth have taken place with the increase in income but some of Countries failed to do so.

The problem of Poverty in the South Countries led to migration in large quantity for better job opportunities  in the North or western Countries which is the root cause of International Friction.

There is distinction between refugees and migrant , refugees are accepted by the states but migrants are not.

Migration :

Poverty in the South of the World has prompted large scale migration to North and western  developed Countries in search of better economic and social life.

This has created Internation Political Tension due to which with the help of International law Migrant are defined are people who leave their home Nation willingly for better economic and social life whereas refugees are those who are forced to escape their home country or flee from their nation in fear of war or natural calamities or political persecution.


Epidemics such as HIV -AIDS , bird flu, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) , COVID have rapidly spread across countries through migration, business, tourism, and military operations.

It has been estimated that major people of  HIV-AIDS infected belong to South Asia and Africa.

The new drug therapies helped to lower the death rate from HIV-AIDS but these treatment are very expensive for poor people and poor countries

New diseases like Ebola, Virus , Hanta Virus, Hepatitis C, have emerged .

The diseases like TB, Malaria, Dengue <Cholera have developed into drug resistant from that are difficult to treat.

Security in Contemporary World


It deals with Certain non traditional threats to security which requires co- operation rather than military action. It can only help in facing terrorism or enforcement of Human Right but it is of no use in combating poverty , manage migration ,refugees movement or control of any kind of epidemics.

Therefore it is important create the strategies of International Co- operation it may be bilateral, regional continental ,global this depend on the nature of threat, willingness as well as ability of countries and their response about it .

Security in Contemporary World


India has faced both Traditional and Non Traditional threats to it’s security that have emerged from within as well as outsides it’s borders. India’s Security depends upon various components

a) The First Component was to strengthen the military power and capabilities of India’s security strategy because India has been involved in conflicts with the neighbours.

b) The Second Component is to strengthen the international norms and international institutions to protect security interest.

c) The third Component of India’s Security strategy is geared towards meeting security challenges within the country

d) The fourth Component is to develop its economy in the way that most of the citizens are lifted out from poverty , misery and economic inequalities .






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