Political Science Chapter wise Important Questions

Political Science Chapter wise Important Questions

Environment and Natural Resources

Important Questions:

1.Which of the following statements about environmental  are correct i) Environment are the part of the global politics ii) A conference on the Environment was held in the Rio- de-Janeiro in 1992 iii) The Un has assigned the environmental programme to Un Human Right Commission iv) The Earth Summit was organised by the united nations

Ans i, ii, iii .

2. Correct the following statements :

a) ” India signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol in 2002 and was compelled to meet the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol because the emission of green house gases in India was not significant”

b)” Global common are those resources which are owned by  big countries only”

c) ” For the first time the Enviromental issues within area of global politics were firmly consolidated at the Earth Summit 1992″

d)” The Countries of the north are more concerned about the protection of the global commons than the countries of south”

3. Why the ongoing environment movement are opposing the construction of mega dams?

4. How did Chipko Movement get it’s name ?

5. Which one of the two is more important a) Construction of mega dams b)an Environmental movement that opposes it and why?

6**.Why should the environmental Concern is the part of Contemporary Politics?

7.Define indigenous population.

8. Which World Summit Conference was held at Rio and When ?

9. Why was India and China exempted from Kyoto Protocol?

10.What were the recommendation of the Rio Summit Known as?

11.Why have the issues relating to environmental degradation become the part of world politics

12 Suggest methods to conserve the natural Resources .

13. Mention the Environmental issues that have become the Concern of global Politics

14.** Mention the outcome of Rio Summit.

15**. Suggest the steps to be taken by the Government to check the pollution and save Environment .Explain with respect to India

16. ***What is geopolitics ?

17.***Explain the concept of ” Differentiated Responsibility”

18.Name the Countries having Control over Antarctica.

19**.What is Common Property? Explain with example of India

20.***What is Global Commons and List few of them. Why is it said that international Co-operation on this issues is not easy, How it can be protected

21.**Explain the role of Environmental movement to meet the Challenge of Environment degradation

22**. What was the Earth Summit? How did it prove to be useful Explain?

23. ***Explain the India Stand on Environmental issues ? What were the Demands of the Narmada Bachao Andolan

24**. Steps taken by India to curb the Green Gas Emission in the Country

25 What is Environment ? High light the difference between Global North and Global South


  1. Identify the main reason behind the investments of MNC’s in the developing countries a) For the welfare of underprivileged people b)To increase their own assets and earn profits c)For the benefit of other countries, Ans (b) 

2.Which of the following is true  with relation to globalization a) It has reduced the rivalry between the countries b) It has reduced the importance of UN c) It enhances the choices of consumers  Ans ; (c)

3. The Globalization leads to each Culture becomes  a) More Transparent b) More Distinctive c) More distinctive and different Ans (c)

4.The main agenda of the world Social Forum is  a) opposition of terrorism b) Opposition of Neo Liberal Globalization c) Opposition of Colonialism  Ans (b)

5. which is one of the following in the rigid cause of globalization a) the US people initiated globalization b) The technology led to globalization c) the   cold war led to globalization . Ans (b)

6.Choose the correct option that has significantly contributed to the process of globalization a) Fear of war b) Security threats c) advancements of technology Ans (c)

7. ***Resistance of Globalization in India has come from which Cultural influence ?

8.Internet is the example of -Global—————.(technolgical development)

9.How far is it correct to say that Globalization results in the erosion of state Sovereignty ?

10.How  far is it correct to  say that Globalization actually increases the activity of the state?

11. ****What is globalization? What are the causes of globalization? How is it different from Internationalism?

12. ” State have become more powerful as a result of globalization” Support the statement

13.Give the argument that globalization is new to India and it’s Economic implications on India?

14.** The critics of globalization want some aeras to revive economically .Define the aera.

15****. Mention the political  consequences of globalization?

16. **Describe the flows  related to globalization ?

17.** Highlight the negative and positive effects of  globalization ?

!8.** What are the changes in food items available in India due to globalization?

!9.**** Justify with the help of examples that technology advancement give boost to globalization ?

20.*** Mention the benefits of globalization? What are the Economic Consequences of Globalization ?

21.**What is cultural Homogenization ?Give an examples  that it’s consequences are not negative. Discuss the globalization led to either Homogenization or Heterogenizations or both justify .

22. What are the Cultural consequences of Globalization .

23. Mention the problem created by protectionism. What is meant by Social safety nets ?

24..** Globalization has shifted power from nation state to global Consumer Justify.

25.**** Explain the factors responsible for globalization .

Challenge of Nation Building:

  1. a)Name the sets of states belong to North East of India . b) Write the Number of Princely states in  India at the time of Independence . c) *****What was the biggest challenge before newly Independent India Explain them d) Who Was the Nizam wanted Independent status for his which state and When did he enter which agreement  for one year ?

2.a) Who was the leader of independent India to face the Challenge of which states  for integration of India. b) Was Jammu and Kashmir willingly signed the Instrument of Accession ? c) How was the issue of Junagarh resolved ? d) In which Session of Congress the principle of reorganization of states on basis of linguistic ?  e) Which Princely State of India was first to announce to remain as Independent state ?  f) ***Write the main reasons for the Partition of British India in 1947 ? g)** Explain the Major Challenge in building the democratic state to India

3. a)**What were the Consequences of India’s Partition in 1947 ? b) When did the ruler of the most of the princely states had agreed to become the part of Union India . c)Which state of North East India became state before 1972 ? d)*** Who  was deputy PM  and  Home Minister of Free India and What was his role in Integration of Union India ? e) Who was the National leader who strongly opposed the Two- Nation theory ? f) What was  Plebiscite of Junagarh?

4. a) Was Bombay the Princely state of British India? b) what was the status of Nawab of  Bhopal about Union India ? c) Write three principle features of sardar Patel  d) Name the theory advanced by Muslim League which was responsible for Partition of British India? e) Name the princely state whose paramilitary was known as Raza Kars ?

5. a) what was the Two Nation theory advanced by Muslim league ? b) When and Which  was  the first state created on the basis of Language ? c) Who was Frontier Gandhi ? d) At the time of independence the Indian Leaders committed which aims ? e) Justify the reorganization of states on the language basis ?

6. a) ***Write the process and recommendation of the state reorganization Commission in 1953 ? What was it’s report ? b) What was the biggest obstacle in nation building at the time of Independence ? c) why were the state reorganized on the linguistic basis in 1956 ? d) Which Princely State refused to join neither India nor Pakistan ? e) What was Instrument of Accession ? f) When , by whom ,and where was the ” Tryst with destiny” speech delivered  ?

7. a) Name the Two Provinces which were also divided during Partition of British India ? b) Why did the Leader of National Movement cherish with the idea of Secular Nation ?  c) **” Free India was born in very difficult Circumstances ” Justify the statement . d) Justify ” The Constitutional Framers wanted development and wellbeing of the entire society not only of some sections ”

8.How the formation of Linguistic state helped in strengthening the foundation of Democracy and the process of integration .?

9,Analyse  the Political development of 1940 that led to the decision for creation of Pakistan ?

10. While the rest of the country was reorganised on language basis by 1950 but Punjab had to wait till 1960 why ?

11.Name the Original states  and were the carved from it a) Meghalaya b) Gujarat ?

12. what was the special status given to Jammu and Kashmir in article 370 .?

13. How did the state of Hyderabad became the Part Of India after partition?

14. What was the approach of the Government Of India towards the Princely states immediately after the partition in 1947 ?

15. Describe how the  Princely States of Manipur and Junagarh acceded to India ?

16.  Mahatma Gandhi on 14th August 1947 said ” Tomorrow will be the day of rejoicing and Mourning ” Why

Politics of Planned Development

1 a)Which  development model had least supporters in India ? b)** What is the objective of NITI Aayog ? c)* **What is the main expectation from the  Second Five year Plan ? d) Which  was the political Decision be taken after Independence related to Development for India ? e)Five Year Plans were adopted by the Government of India as a policy of ————-.

2 a)Who drafted the 2nd five year plan  b)**** What are the  Chief functions of NITI Aayog ?  c) ****Why was planning Commission was replaced by  NITI Aayog ? Give 4 reasons d) Which policy was mainly adopted by NITI Aayog ? e) Which is the think tank union ? f) Which commission was set up for planned development of India just after Independence

3 a) Who is the ex-officio chairperson of NITI Aayog ? When was it constituted ? b) **What were an important measure taken by the government of India to protect the domestic industries during 2nd Five Year plan ? c) What were the main focus on 3rd Five Year plan ?d) What was Bombay plan ? e) Who is Known as Milkman of India ?

4.a) What were the main objectives of  2nd Five Year Plan ? b) When was the Indi’s New Economic Policy Launched and Who is the architect of the policy ? c) what is the difference between Capitalist and Socialist Development Model (4 points) ? d)*** Differentiate between First and Second Five year Plan  with aims and achievement e)Write the meaning and Economic Planning in the context of India and Out comes ?

5.a)Which two models of modern developments were there before India  on the eve of Independence ? Which Model was adopted and why and what were it’s outcome ? b) Write the years of a) operation Flood b) Bombay Plan c) First Five Year Plan d) 2nd Five Year Plan e)Third Five Year Plan ?

India’s External Relations

  1. a)When did India’s Nuclear programme  started ? Who was the Leader of India  opposed it and what did he plead  , though India support NPT but why did it change the stand? b)What is the  Special Treaty between India and Nepal. What do they Share and the Form of Government do they have ? c) Which three site are the main dispute between India and China ? d)When were the I and II Nuclear test conducted in which year and Where e) Where did Pakistan Conduct it’s nuclear test ?

2. a) During  the Nehru Era , Why did some political parties and groups in our country believe that India should be more friendly with US bloc ? b) Who remarked ” The Foreign Policy of a country is the out come of Her Economic Policy ” c) What was the impact of Indo- China  Conflict on the opposition parties ? d) What were the three major objective of Nehru Foreign Policy e) Which country is held together with India  because of common natural Resources, Electricity generation and Water interlocking ?

3. a) Which water treaty was signed between  India and Pakistan in spite of various military conflicts ? b) When did Tashkent Agreement was signed between whom ? c) Explain the three important relations between India and Nepal d) Name the country which have following feature i) It is the part of India’s Look East Policy ii) It came into existence with India’s help iii) It is secular and Democratic Country iv) It’s border touches India’s Border  e)Write the Issue where the Government of India and Bangla Desh still have difference chose:  Disaster Management/ Environmental issue / India’s Act East Policy

4. a) With Which Country does India have the treaty that allows the Citizens of the two countries to travel and to work without Visa or Passport   Choose: Bangladesh/Nepal b) Which is the factor that least affected the foreign Policy of India chose  Economic competition at the Global Level /Establishment of UN/ The Creation of Nuclear Weapons   c) Due Which policy  India was able to gain assistance of USA and USSR chose : Non Alignment Policy/India has good relation with Pakistan/India Signed the Peace Treaty  d) ***Explain the fields in which India – Israel have Co- operation ? e) Key Aeras of which region were captured by Chinese Forces during the first attack in October 1962  Chose :Assam / Ladakh/ Arunachal Pradesh

5 a)  The Features of India’s Nuclear Policy are i)It is peace oriented ii) The Policy of ‘no first ‘ can be reviewed iii)Support the nuclear treaty CTBT and NPT iv) Ensuring the membership in the nuclear supplier Group   b)**What were the reason for the strain relation between India and China because of annexation of Tibet by China in 1950and how it led to army conflict in 1962 ? c) **Write the main features of India’s foreign Policy d)What was the Soviet status during the war of India – China in 1962 ?

6.a) **How did Jawahar Lal Nehru effort for Asian Unity ? b) Explain the reasons that India conduct the first Nuclear explosion  in 1974 ? c) ***Why did India refuse to sign the Nuclear non Proliferation Treaty (NPT)? c) What were the significant change came in relation between India-China at the end of Cold war ? d) ***Which two objectives Jawahar Lal Nehru wanted to achieve through the strategy of non alignment e)What do you mean by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

7 a) **What is Panchsheel ?  b) **Write the measures to improve relation between India and Pakistan? C) Explain the relation Between India – Maldives ?  c) Name the Four founder member of NAM d) How did Sino- Indian conflicts of 1962 affect the Communist Party of India? e) Before 1971 What were the reasons that were the sources of resentment among the people of East and West Pakistan?

8.  a)When and between whom was the Shimla Agreement signed ? b)List the problems faced   by the Government in 1971-72 c) Why did Dalai Lama took refuse in India ?  d)What was the purposes of Bandung conference and it’s outcome?  e) What were the main causes of Kargil War?

9.Evaluate the Relation between a) India and Pakistan b)India and Bangladesh c) India- Israel

10)Analyse the reasons for India’s Refusal to sign the NPT by India

11)” The foreign Policy of Independent India has pursued the dreams of peaceful world” . evaluate the role of Jawahar Lal Nehru in this field ?

12) Describe India- China relation from 1947-1962

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