Gender Religion and Caste

Gender Religion and Caste

Gender Religion and Caste is the Chapter from Social Science Class 10 covering the complete syllabus giving the basic idea about Gender religion and caste of India.

Gender Religion and Caste



The person who has belief that man or woman have equal rights and opportunities to live and compete in life in society.

Radical women of society started the movement with the aim that women should have equality in family and personal life as well as in public affairs.





The movement had been organized to raise the political and legal status of women therefore this movement was known as Feminist movement.
Patriarchal Society:

At present our society is patriarchal which is male dominating. The line of decent is recognised by father. Men are valued more than women in terms of work they do and they feel important for society This gives more power to man than women

Men society

Communal Politics.:

When the demand of one religious group is formed in opposition of the another whereas state power support the domination of the religious group over the rest this method of using religion in politics is called communal politics.
Why Discrimination to Women?
It is found in general life that girls are the better performer in most of the fields than the boys but they are usually drop out because mostly Indian parents like to spend most their resources over the boys education and spend smaller amount of their resource on girls for higher education
Average women works more than the average man in everyday life but she is not given much importance for her work and not paid equally for equal work she is under valued
The Equal Wages Act provides her right of equal wages for equal work but very regretfully women are always paid less in all the fields either labour work, sports, cinema, in factories.
The child sex ratio in India is very low it is927 is to 1000 in some part it is lower than that 850in Punjab and 800 in Haryana because most of parents prefer to have baby boy instead of baby girl usually get aborted if come to know coming child is girl.
In urban aera the girls are unsafe even in homes they are beaten or harassed one way or the other.
Caste Inequality in India
The caste system has not disappeared from India but caste division has become special to Indian politics Marriage within the own caste is still prevalent The caste groups that had access to education under old caste system and those groups who did not have access of education always lagged behind the society

There is large number of people in urban middle classes in our country belong to upper caste which continue to be linked with economic status It has been found in the survey of NSSO that most of the upper caste people are well off Dalits and Adivasi are in worst economic condition and backward classes are found in between them.

The people of upper caste are over presented as rich while lower caste as poor, It is very surprising that the SC, ST, OBC constitute more than 67%of Indian population


Women’s Representation in Legislative Bodies of India

To make the proper attention over the women related problems is giving women elected representative. To achieve this it is given legal binding to have fair representation of women in the elected bodies
In Panchayati Raj has1/3 of total seats reversed for women in the Local Government bodies.
In India legislature the proportion of women participation is very low. It is surprising that representation of women in Lok Sabha is less than 10%and in state assembly it is not even 5% In the month of March 2010the bill was passed in the Rajay Sabha ensuring 33%women reservation in the parliament and the state Legislature bodies.

Religion and Politics of India:
It was said by Gandhi ji that religion cannot be separated from politics. It does not mean any particular religion like Hinduism or Muslim he meant that moral values and ethics are drawn from each religion to guide the politics.

As it appears to us that religion in politics is dangerous but ethical values of each religion can show new and border outlook to politics therefore religion plays an important role in politics, we find that most of the communal victims belong from minority classes such as Muslim, Christan etc. Government should take necessary steps to protect them.

Important terms:

a) Schedule Caste they are poor and landless and socially and economically backward Indian. 

b) caste hierarchy is a social structure in which classes are determined by heredity

c) Sexual division of labour  is the work done on the basis of sexual basis i.e.  all household work is done by women, patriarchal society in which all power was given to men.

d) Occupational mobility is a shifting of labour from one occupation to another usually when the new generation takes up occupation in place of their ancestors.

e) vote bank of the party means that large numbers of voters from specific caste cast their vote to the party.

Factors affecting the Electoral politics:

a) The voters have strong relation with the political parties which is stronger than the caste

b) People within the caste have different interest depending upon the economic condition.

c) People assessment of the performance of the government popularity rate of leader matters most effect the polling results.

Main Features of Secular State of India:

There is no official religion of India, there is complete freedom to adopt any religion to both the individuals as well as communities even constitution prohibits the discrimination on basis of religion.

Conclusion : Gender Religion and Caste

Gender, religion, and caste continue to play significant roles in Indian society and politics. While progress has been made towards equality and social justice, challenges remain. Gender inequality persists in many areas, but women’s participation in politics and the workforce is increasing. India’s secular nature allows for religious diversity, but communalism remains a concern. Caste-based discrimination is illegal, yet caste identity still influences social and political life.

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