Important Creative Writing Skill Part1

Important Creative Writing Skill Part 1

Important Creative Writing Skill Part1 is the unit of class 12th CBSE consist of year wise  2018 to 2024 topic wise questions related Notices, Invitation and Letter  writing.

Important Creative Writing Skill Part1

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Important Creative Writing Skill Part1


NOTE kindly mention name of school ,writer’s name and designation of writer per  students choice as they are not mentioned in questions given below.

  3. The literary society of your school is setting up a creative writing club to encourage and develop the habit of creative writing . Draft the notice  inviting the students from classes vi- x to join the society. The members are required to stay back for 2 hrs after school once a week .Mention day,date ,time and venue. (cbse 2023)
  4. Draft a notice  urging the students of classes ix-xi to participate in three week leadership camp to be organised in your school mention day ,date ,time and venue (cbse 2023)
  5. With the collabration with the municipal health department your school is organising a health camp  focusing on fit living and benefit of healthy eating of students between the age  of12- 17 years draft the notice informing the students  about the event state day, date, time and venue.(cbse 023)
  6. The members  of the resident welfare society  have decided to visit the senior resident of the society as gesture of affection and sensitivity .Draft the notice  invite the residents to volunteer for these visit (cbse 2023) 
  7.  You  are  student editor of your school magazine  the BUDS  write a notice inviting short stories ,articles ,poems from the students of all classes  for school magazine .give the details if  any.(2020cbse )
  8. The Environment Club of your school is organising  a tree plantation drive on the world  Enviromental Day  around your school write the notice inviting the students to volunteer for the event give details if any ( cbse 2020)
  9. Your school is organsing SPICMACAY programme on the occasion of the World Dance Day where  the renowned  Bharatnatyam dancer Mrs Geeta would be giving the lecture as the president ,of cultural society of your school  draft the notice  mention day ,date time and venue (2020 cbse)
  10. You are the secretary of your school cultural club ,the charity show has been arranged in your school to aid the cancer patients. Inform the students about show and asking them to co operate in the noble cause and make it successful mention day, date time venue. (cbse 20)
  11. The renowned cricket player was to deliver the speech to guide the cricket players of the school but could not come  on the appointed date write a notice informing the players about the new date on which is he coming  as the secretary of sport club.(cbse 2019)
  12.  As inter class drama competition is to be held in XYZ school in Delhi as head boy of the school draft the notice to invite the entries from your school. (cbse 2019)
  13. Arts club of your school is organsing  a drawing and painting competition being the secretary  of the art club  draft the notice to invite students for the same mention day date time and venue.(cbse 2019)
  14. After the rain ,the cases of dengue has been rise in your city so the Principal of School has decided to allow the students to wear full sleeve shirts and trousers in the school for one month . write the notice in this regard. (cbse 2019)
  15. Your school has decided to contribute in controlling traffic near your school and requires the name of volunteers from class ix – xii .write the notice about the same. (cbse 2018)
  16. You are the president of the wellness cell of your school,you decide to organise a workshop to awareness of importance of mental health this will be coducted in school by the school counsellor .write the notice informing the students of class xi- xii about the workshop(cbse 2018)
  17. You are the secretary of AVM Housing  society .You are organising a blood donation camp write a notice  urging the members of your society to  come in large numbers for the noble cause write the day ,date time and venue for event(cbse 2018)
  18.  Your school Rani Laxmi Bai Senior Secondary School Gwalior is organising the cultural programme to aid Assam flood victims  inviting names of students who want to participate  you are school pupil leader write day ,date, time and venue. (cbse 2018)
  19. While walking in the park in your neighborhood you found small plastic bag containing some documents and cash write the notice  for the notice bord of park asking the real  owner  with identity to collect the packet . (cbse 2017)
  20. You are health secretary of the student council of Citizen Public School Varanasi .The council has decided to start  the cleanliness week long drive around the school  write the notice inviting the students for class ix- xii to the event.(cbse 2017)
  21. The Cultural society of your school is organging the fancy dress  competition on 25th January the participant  will wear the dress of the particular region with the aim of cultural diversity of India  as a secretary of the society write the notice inviting the students to enroll for event,(2017 cbse)
  22. An NGO has approached your school to grant books to needy students being a head boy/girl of your write notice asking students who are in need to put request into the box kept outside the Principal Office.(cbse 2017)

23.The principal of your school has invited the Inspector of Police (traffic) to deliver lecture on Road Safety write the notice  for students  to assemble in the auditorium hall of school  giving day, date time .(cbse 2017)

Important Creative Writing Skill Part1

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  1. You are the president  of old students Association, Green Field School  Kanpur  Draft an invitation (50 words) to the old students of school for an Alumni Meet. (cbse 2017)
  2. Write an invitation to your friend  Shiela to spend winter break with you in Bangalore  you are living in Bangalore.(cbse 2017) * *
  3. Your friend Sathish has invited you to attend his sister marriage Jaya but you have an important paper of preboard examination on that day .write the formal reply to the invitation expressing your regret. you are Puneet. (cbse 2017)
  4.  You have received an invitation to preside over the annual function of Bloomingdale Public School Delhi but due to urgent prior engagement you will have to decline the invitation .Send the formal reply of refusal to the Principal of the school .You  are RS Tyagi IAS. ( cbse 2017)
  5. You  decide to hold a dinner party to congratulate your grand parents on golden wedding anniversary draft the formal invitation to all family members to attend the party you are Fiaz of Shimla.(2018)
  6. Invite your friends in house warming  ceremony of your new house. (2018 cbse)*
  7. Your sister/brother is getting married for which you have to draft the formal invitation on behalf of your parents.(Cbse 2018) *
  8. Goodwill Public School Agra is organsing a Christmas Carnival Draft the formal invitation on behalf of school you are Kavi the Cultural Secretary. (cbse 2019)
  9. You are Rajani president of English debate society of your school Grace Public School Bhopal .Your society is organsing an inter debate competition on the topic “Social media has improved the communication” You want to invite Dr Ram Shukla ,eminent academician to preside over the occasion .write the invitation.(2019 cbse )
  10. You are Nainai ,Head boy of your school  Loktak High School  Manipur  Your school wi—-shes to honour an old student of your school, the famous boxer Mary Kom for all the Achievements by inviting her to school Annual Day as Chief Guest write formal invitation to be sent to Mary Kom  requesting her presence on the occasion. (cbse 2019)
  11. Namita has come out successful in the 12th exams so she want to give party to her friends draft an invitation for the same giving the details of day,date,time and venue. (cbse 2020) *
  12. M/s Ramprasad and sons are opening the new outlet  Attire an exclusive brand of clothes in Rajender Place Delhi Draft an Invitation to announce the inauguration of the new store.(cbse 2020
  13. You are Anoop ,Head boy of your school Vidya Vikas Nagpur .Your school is celebrating Grand Parents Day  in the school Draft the formal invitation to be sent to grandparents of the students of your school giving all details about day date time and venue. (cbse 2020)
  14. You are Dr Amit an eminent educationist being invited to preside an inter zonal Declamation Competition by Nalini president of English Literary Club  Chandīgarh write about the accepting  the invitation .(cbse 2020)*
  15. Your school has invited  a group of Foreign students to attend the annual day function Draft the invitation to guest and parents of the students stating the day, date time  venue for function . (cbse 2023)
  16.  You are Dr Mehra an eminent educationist being invited to address the students of Sunshine Public School on Benefit of reading and release the book written by one of the student write formal letter expressing the inability to attend the function(2023 cbse)
  17.  You are Sarla Dutta ,proprietor of child’s planet  a showroom of children educational toys  draft a formal invitation  to be sent to patrons, friends, relatives inviting them to opening the new showroom.
  18. You have received an invitation to attend the prize giving ceremony for inter -school science competition. Write the formal letter to the principal of the school expressing your inability to attend the ceremony. you are Dr,Suri mention day date time and venue. (cbse 2023)
  19.  Write the formal invitation  to Dr Mehra a noted novelist and educationist to speak on the importance of books .You are Lena the secretary mention day date time and venue.(cbse 2023)

Important Creative Writing Skill Part1

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Important Creative Writing Skill Part1 Related to LETTERS

  1. In our society we do not give proper respect and status to women of our society, we stared at, stalked and even molested them .We need to change the mind set of male .write a letter to the editor of national newspaper giving your views . (cbse 2017)
  2. National Book Trust organised a week long  book fair at Chennai ,Aruna Ground .You visited the fair bought a few books and very much pleased with the arrangements,  enthusiasm  of the visitors and in fact books have not lost it’s relevance in the world of internet. Write a letter to the editor of the local newspaper to express your feelings. (cbse 2017)
  3. Write a letter to the editor complaining about lack pf street lights in your locality due which problems faced by the people especially ladies and old people. (cbse 2018)
  4. Recently you travelled in a state transport bus from Arga to Delhi to your shock air-conditioning coach  where AC was not working properly, the quality of the maintenace of bus was bad. All the way you spent time in unbearable heat for all these problem write a letter to the editor drawing the attention of General Manager (Maintenace) for taking necessary steps for the condition of buses.(2018)
  5. You have realised the necessity of women education and financial independence for family, society and nation. write the letter to the editor the National Times  highlighting your ideas of women education leading to a better status for them in society (2019 cbse)
  6. Write a letter to the Editor of the Indian Times  Jaipur highlighting the need to tap the sport talents at the young age by sports teachers ,coaches, so that it does not go unrecognised thus we shall have large pool of young talented sports persons who can be groomed. You are Poorva  (cbse 2020)
  7. A book fair was organised in your city Delhi thousands of people including a large number of students visited the fair showed their great interest in reading and buying books  you want such fair should be held in other cities to promote the habit of reading. Write the letter to editor to local newspaper expressing your views. (cbse 2020)
  8. Draft the letter to editor  of renowned newspaper on the need to keep our surrounding clean to out break of common disease like malaria and dengue. use hints : do not store water, apply mosquito repellent, do not expose your skin , sleep under mosquito nets ,protect from dengue and malaria ,fight the bite,  keep surrounding clean ,take charge. (cbse 2023)
  9.  You are the resident of  Pranihar  Colony and a member of the resident welfare association  during morning walk you have noticed the park that the parks in dismal condition due to neglect ,the parks are no longer safer for residents /children to play .write a letter to the editor of local news paper expressing your view s on the situation of park and give suggestions to improve the condition use the clues a) Reasons for neglect  unpruned trees, no dustbins ,stray dogs ,lack of security . b) Efforts to be taken such as regular  Maintenace, removal of broken benches,security ,waste bins (2023 cbse )
  10. The newspaper s today are full of page of advertisement promoting luxury items with increase in consumerism ,people find it difficult to resist and soon find themselves trapped in the world of one-upmanship write the letter to the editor expressing your views on the consequences of consumerism giving suggestion  on how to control this habit , use Hints :consequences as trapped in competitive world, social acceptability, living beyond budget, mental trauma  SOLUTION : responsible role of media ,make informal decisions (cbse 2023 )
  11. You Sujoy of Nehru Colony Indore .You recently visited Shimla with your family .you were perturbed to see the tourists throwing water bottles and cans all over the place. Write a letter to the editor of the national news paper expressing your concern and offer the suggestions to improve the situation. USE THE HINTS :Eco friendly travel create less waste, dispose garbage properly,40% population increase during tourist season, do sustainable travel, waste and pollution have  far reaching impact on wildlife ,enviroment,visitors and communities create -clean and healthy  vacationdestination .Ecological Conservation  a need of hour. (cbse2023)
  12.  You are Counceller in the public school  you have to look after bullying has become a common practice in the school students. Write a letter to the editor of national  daily expressing your concern and suggest the ways  and metods to end this menace in the schools   it leads to depression, anxiety, anger, stress, poor performance the best solutions are strict implementation of rules, counselling , encourage students to speak  and set up student anti bullying cell. (cbse 2023)

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