Life Process Important Questions

Life Process Important Quesions

Life Process Important Questions is the unit consist of Important Year questions from year 2018 to 2024 CBSE Topic wise questions

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Life Process Important Questions

  1. Why is respiration  is considered  an exothermic process ? Name the molecule of energy that synthesized during respiration.
  2.  Why do the arteries have thick elastic walls how is it different from veins.
  3. Name the enzyme present in Pancreatic juice (Lipase)
  4. Why are plants called alive ?Why are molecular movements needed for life?  what are the  basic element of food? .What type of chemical  reaction takes place in our body  to breakdown food materials  and in which form is it stored in our body.
  5. Write modes of nutrition ,give examples in each case .a) Name two types of heterotrophs b)Name two kinds of parasites ,saprophytes.
  6. Name the process by which autotrophs prepares their food .Name the raw material required in the process. which of the raw material  traps the solar energy ? What is stomata.? In which form carbohydrate is stored in plants? How is oxygen  obtained ? Write the chemical equation of the process.
  7. Name the process by which food is converted into energy, name the substance formed in the first step (Pyruvate) where does the process takes place (Cytoplasm)
  8. How many types of respiration is there ,where does the breakdown of pyruvate takes place
  9.  What are the end products of aerobic respiration and in anaerobic respiration. Name the type of respiration in which more energy is released .
  10. What is full form of ATP .How many ATP molecules are formed in the oxidation of glucose.
  11. What is breathing ?Why do aquatic animals breathe faseter than terrestrial animals?
  12. What is blood? Name two fluids in human which are involved in transport. Write the fluid medium in the blood, Which organ is called pumping organ of blood. Name the kind of blood vessels. What are the component of blood .Name the vein which brings blood  from lungs to heart.
  13. What are the types of blood cells ,give their full name. Name the pigment present in RBC. Which component of blood carry food, carbohydrates, nitrogenous waste and oxygen.
  14. Name  Two main part of human heart, which is pumping part of heart ,How many chamber are there in heart ? which blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood and which vessels carry de oxygenated of blood
  15. During  one cycle how many times blood goes to the heart of fish.
  16. Name  the parts of plants which absorbs water and mineral from the soil ,where are they transported, name the conducting tissues of plants . what are the cellular elements of xylem. (Tracheids and vessels) .What is the similarity between tracheids and vessels
  17.  What is the rate of rise of water in flowering plants, how much water is used/absorbed in photosynthesis and other metabolic activities. (rate of rise of water is 10-100cm/minute ) (only  1-2 % of water is used)
  18. Under optimal condition what quantity of water can leaf transpire in an hour. In case of tree how much it transpire  in it’s life time.
  19.  What are the minerals need by plants? What is Osmosis ? What are the factors that control the opening of stomata?
  20. What is Excretion and Osmoregulation? which system is responsible for maintaining osmoregulation and excretion. ? why is it important?
  21. Name the excretory system in human being, name the excretory unit in human being, What is the shape of kidney and where is it located.
  22. What is  i)Ureters ii)Urinary bladder iii) urethra ?Name the chief nitrogenous waste products of human urine .
  23. Blood passes through narrow capillaries and develops very high pressure due to which fluid part of blood is forced out where in kidney does this occur.
  24. Which  contain nitrogenous waste  i) renal artery ii)renal vein. What is the function glomerulus?
  25. What are  the main toxic waste that kidney filters, Name the substances which are reabsorbed from the tubules of nephron
  26.  Where the complete digestion of carbohydrate, fats and protein takes place ? what is emulsification of fats.
  27.  Name the component of blood that helps in clotting of blood during any cut.
  28.   When we breathe out why does air passage not collapse .?
  29. Name the substance whose build up in muscles  during the vigorous physical exercise may cause cramps.
  30.  which blood corpuscles are called soldiers of body and why
  31. Which is the statement is incorrect  i) they synthesise  carbohydrate and water in presence of sunlight and chlorophyll ii)they store carbohydrate in form of strach  iii) convert CO2 and water to carbohydrate in absence of sunlight
  32.  a)Heterotrophs do not synthesise their food /  heterotrophs utilise solar energy which statement is correct b) which statement is correct Mouth–> Stomach–>small intestine—-> oesophagus –> large intestine /  Mouth –> oesophagus—>stomach—>small intestine —> large intestine.
  33. a) If  salivary amylase is not in salvia than  which will be affected most  i)Absorption of vitamins ii) starch breaking down into sugar. b) HCl in stomach is protected by pepsin/mucus. c)Which part of alimentary canal recives bile juice from liver stomach or small intestine  d) presence of Starch/Proteins can be determined when few drops of iodine is put on rice e) Final digestion of food takes place in _______. f) which is correct  TRYPSIN digest protein and LIPASE  emulsified fats   OR   TRYPSIN emulsified fats  and  LIPASE  digest protein
  34. Which of following is correct  of anaerobic reaction in yeast i) Glucose —–cytoplasm—->Pyruvate —— mitochondria—-> Latic acid  ii) Glucose——cytoplasm—> pyruvate–.— cytoplasm —-> Ethanol + CO2.
  35.  Which of the following combination is correct for aerobic respiration  i)Glucose——–(cytoplasm)—->Pyruvate  + Energy —– (mitochondria )—-> CO2 +H2O  ii) Glucose——- (cytoplasm) —> Pyruvate  + Energy ——(mitochondria) —> CO2 +H2O + Energy.
  36. Combine  the correct statement i) During inhalation ribs move in ward  and diaphragm is raised  ii) In the alveoli ,the exchange of gases takes place oxygen from alveolar air diffuses into blood and CO2  from blood to Alveolar air  iii)Hemoglobin has great affinity for CO2 iv) Alveoli increase the surface aera of exchange of gases
  37.  Make the correct sequence  a)Nostril, larynx, pharynx, trachea, lungs b) Nostrils , pharynx, larynx ,trachea, alveoli
  38.  Respiration takes place in a) alveoli of lungs  b) alveoli and throat.
  39. Which of the following statements are true for HEART a)Left atrium receives oxygenated blood  from different parts of body while right atrium  receives deoxygenated blood  from the lungs  b) left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood  to different parts of body while right ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood to lungs  c) Right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from different parts of body where as left atrium  pumps oxygenated blood to different parts of body.
  40. Which prevents the black flow of blood in heart? The blood leaving the tissues becomes rich in  Oxygen/ CO2.Does oxidation of CO2 takes place in photosynthesis? The opening and closing of stomata depends upon a) oxygen b) water in the guard cells c) temperature Adde
  41. Where is  Pyruvic acid converted into lactic acid in absence of oxygen. Added:
  42. Name the process involved a)the process in plants that links light energy with chemical energy  b) the organism that can prepare their own food c)the cells that surrounds the stomata  d) organism that cannot prepare their food e) the enzymes secreted from gastric glands in stomach acts on protein Ad
  43. Give reason :  all plants give oxygen in day and CO2 during night or if plant release CO2 during day and taking in oxygen  does it mean that there is no photosynthesis. Ad
  44. How does opening and closing of stomata takes place    ?  If two plants are taken in oxygen free containers one is kept in light and other in dark which one will longer and why? (2024)Ad
  45. Is nutrition necessity for an organism why ?  If leaves of plant is coated with Vaseline will the plant remain healthy if not why? Ad
  46. What will happen  if mucus is not secreted by gastric glands? What is the significance of emulsification of fats. What causes the movement of food inside alimentary canal?Add
  47. Why there is complete absorption of food takes place in alimentary canal? What is the role of mouth and gastric glands in stomach in digestion. A
  48. Why is the blood circulation in human body is double circulatory and what is the advantage of four chamber in the heart of human being?
  49. a) Trypsin   release by_____ digest_____ b) Amylase release by _____ digest______  c)Bile release by_____ digest _____ d)Pepsin released by ___- digest____  e)Lipase released by___- digest__
  50. Why and how does water enter into root Xylem  continuously?  Why is transpritation important? A
  51. IMPORTANT LONG ANSWERS  1) Explain  process of nutrition of amoeba  with figure .2) Describe the alimentary canal of man with figure 3)Explain the process of Breathing with figure 4) Describe the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats  5) explain the flow of blood through heart   figure 6) explain Urine formation through kidney with figure.
  52. What is the role of HCl, Villi , Anal Sphincter, Lipase (2024) Why is respiratory pigment  needed in multicellular organism with large size of body (2024) (i) Assertation :The rate of breathing in aquatic organism is much faster than terrestrial animals Reason :  The amount of O2 is high in water as compared in air Ans True for both the cases
  53. Give Reasons : a)Rings of Cartilages are present in the throat b) Lungs always contain a residual vol. of air  c)The diaphragm flattens and ribs are lifted up when we breathe in d)wall of alveoli contain an extensive network of blood vessels ,(2024) e) Name the movement that take place along the gut in human digestive system how do they help in digestion ? f)Where is the bile juice stored state the two role of it.

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