Important R T C of English Literature

Important R T C of English Literature

Important R T C of English Literature  covering both the text book of English i) Flamingo ii) Vistas of Class 12 th with last 5 years question papers important paragraph from the Board of CBSE till 2024

My Mother at sixty six : 

(refer book for complete para )

  • (para 1)  — and felt that  old ——I did was smile and smile —– questions: a) What was  a childhood fear that troubled the poet? b)what do the poet’s parting words suggest ?c)why did the poet smile and smile ? d) explain that old familiar ache ? what is the poetic device ? e) what was the speaker emotions and  what does but mrean
  •  (para 2) ——– I saw my mother —— and realised with pain ——  (question ) a) Who is I b)what did I realise with pain c) Why was realisation painful ? d)Which thought did the poet put away  e) What is the meaning ” ashen like a corpse ” f)Name the poem g)where was the poet going h) find the figure of speech
  • (para 3 )–and looked  out at young trees —-familiar ache — ( question ) a)How can trees sprint b) Why did the poet look at her mother again ? c)What did she observe ? d) Figure of speech ? e) How do you know that the joyful  scene didn’t help her drive away the painful thought? f) what is the symbolic meaning of merry children ?
  • (para4 ) I saw my mother —— put that thought away  (questions) a)What worried the poet when she looked at her mother ? b)Why was there pain ? c) Why did she put the thought away ? d) Find figure of speech
  • … but s0on (2024)
    put that thought away, and
    looked out at Young
    Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling
    out of their homes, but after the airport’s security check,
    standinga few yards away, I looked again at her, wan, pale
    as a late winter’s moon and felt that oldfamiliar ache, my childhood’s fear,
    Select the correct option.

The impact of ‘merry children’ on poet’s mind

(A)caused anxiety (B)brought comfort(C)created a sense of longing(D)reminded her of her own childh0od
The tone of the poet expressed in the above lines is
(A)sadness and helplessness(B)excitement and eagerness(C)appreciation and gratitude(D)anger and anxiety
(ii) The words wan, pale’ indicate the mother’s

Complete the following sentence appropriately.
The poet looked at her mother again to———.

Explain one inference that can be drawn from the line felt that
old familiar ache’put that thought away.
What is the intention of poet that can be inferred from the above line?

Keeping Quiet ( Refer the poem  for book)

  • (para 1  ) Now we  count to twelve —–  not move our arms  a)What is the significance of twelve? b) which Two activities  does poet want to stop c) What does poet mean ” let us not speak in any language ” d) explain of pun of arms ? e)How long does the poet want to be still f)What does he hope to achieve
  • (para 2 ) It would be an exotic —-strangeness  a) which is an exotic moment  b)why would that moment be strange c) what does poet advocate in poem d) What does poet mean by engine e)what will happen if there is no rush or engine ? f)How do we feel at this moment g) what it refer i) Who is the poet speaking to ?
  • (para 3 ) If we were not so single —– ourselves with death a)Whom does we refer to ? b)why does poet want us to do nothing ? c)What is sadness in the lines ? d) How can a huge silence do good to us ?
  • (para 4) Perhaps the Earth ——– and I will go  a) What does the earth teach us ? b) What does poet want to achieve by counting 12  c) significance  of Keeping Quiet  d) what is always alive even when every thing seems to be dead ?  give one example e)Name the poem and poet ? f)How can we achieve the state of seems dead ? g)How does the Earth teach us that there is an activity even in apparent stillness ?
  • ( Para 5) For once on the earth —-not move arms . a) why  does the poet want to keep quiet b)What does he want us to do for one second ? c) what is the ” not to move arms so much ” d) How can this moment of stillness help us ?
  • (para 6) Fishermen —– hurts hands  a)What does the poet expect of the fisherman and why ? b)Will gathering salt what will the man do ? c)What do the hurt hands imply ? d) How would man and nature is benefited ?


A thing of beauty is a joy forever (2024)
Its loveliness increases, it will never
Pass into nothingness; but will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.

(i) Which of the following themes is best represented in the given
extract ? 1
(A) Beauty provides security and peace.
(B) Beauty lies in possession of expensive things.
(C) Beauty is synonymous with power and riches.
(D) Beauty lies in our rich heritage and palaces and temples.

(ii) Complete the following sentence appropriately. 1
A thing of beauty never passes into nothingness because it
is __________ _.
(iii) Quiet bowers means This creates a sense of __________. 1
(iv) State whether the given statement is True or False with
reference to the extract. 1
The quality of a thing ensures that its beauty lasts forever.
(v) Based on the rhyme scheme in lines 3 and 4 of the given
extract, which word will rhyme with them ? 1
(A) please
(B) sweep
(C) help
(D) self
(vi) The use of the word health in the extract suggests that
beautiful things will give us a happier and more wholesome
life. It creates a powerful image of _____________. 1
(A) rejuvenation
(B) attachment
(C) long life
(D) eternity

  1. (para 1)It’s loveliness increases——- quiet breathing  a)Whose loveliness will keep on increasing ? b) what does it mean it is immortal c) what is bower ? d) Why do we need sweet dreams ,health and quiet breathing  in our life ?
  2. (para 2) And such too is ——– heaven’s brink  a)Name the poem and poet b)Who are the mighty dead c)What is the endless fountain of immortal drink ?  d) what does brink mean ? e) what is the thing of beauty mentioned in these lines f)What image does the poet show  ? g) What is immortal  ? h)what do we by stories and  magnificence
  3. (para3)Spite pf despondence of ——– our dark spirit  a)Name the poem b) Give cause of human suffering c)what moves away the pall from our lives d) what is gloomy e) Why are we despondent f) What remove the pall from our dark spirit ? g)Explain the in human dearth of noble natures
  4. (para 4) Some shape of ——- dark spirits  a)How does beauty help when we are burdened with grief ? b) Explain some shape of beauty c) Find the figure of speech d) Why our spirit refer as dark ?
  5.  (para 5) Therefore on every morrow ———-for our searching a)What  is Morrow? b) why do we need flowery band ? c) What is inhuman in life ? d) What are we doing everyday e)Which evil thing do we possess and suffer from g)what are the circumstances that contribute towards making human unhappy and disillusioned with life h) What message does the poet convey ?  i)What do you understand by  unhealthy and over darkened ways?
  6. (para 6) A thing of beauty ——-quiet breathing  a)What are the effects of beautiful things on man ‘s spirit ? b) How is it joy for ever c)List any two things of beauty  mention in the lines  d)what does poet mean  ” Pass into nothingness” ?
  7.  (para 7) —and clear hills —-musk rose blooms  a)what is the role of clear hills b)How has the mid forest brake become rich ? c) fig of speech of cooling covert

A Roadside Stand

Sometimes I feel myself I can hardly bear (2024)
The thought of so much childish longing in vain,
The sadness that lurks near the open window there,
That waits all day in almost open prayer.
For the squeal of brakes, the sound of a stopping car,
Of all the thousand selfish cars that pass,
Just one to inguire what a farmer’s prices are
And one did stop, but only to plow up grass
In using the yard to back and turn around;
And another to ask the way to where it was bound;

Select the option that has the same literary device as in

“The sadness that lurks near the open window there’.
(A)Lucy moved across the room like a warship sailing into
(B)Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
(C)The water-wraith was shrieking.
(D) The pen is mightier than the sword.

ü) They prayed for the stopping of a car. When one car finally
stopped, it brought
(A)help disappointment(C)to the people of the roadside stand.
(B)happiness(D)cash flow
(ä Explain one inference that can be drawn from the line,
…childish longing in vain’.
Complete the sentence appropriately.
The emotion of the poet reflected in the above extract is———
A) The expression ‘selfish car’ suggests that
Based on the rhyme scheme evident in the last two lines of the

Aunt Jennifer’s Tiger :


Aunt Jennifer’s tiger prance on the screen, (2024)
Bright topaz denizens of a world of green.
They do not fear the men beneath the tree;
They pace in sleek chivalric certainty.

Which of the following are symbolizes by the Tigerextract above ?
I. masculine world
II. feminine world
III. world of bold, fearless creatures
IV. world of beautiful handicrafts
(A) I, II and III
(B) II, III and IV
(C) III and IV
(D) I, III and IV
State whether the given statement is True or False.
The creator of the tigers was fearless and assertive like the
Complete the following sentence.

The use of topaz suggests the image of the tiger on the screen is ___________.
The tiger do not fear the men beneath the tree because they are
(A) tamed
(B) in a cage
(C) fearless
(D) kings of the jungle
Based on the rhyme scheme evident in lines 1 and 2,
which of the following will rhyme ?
mean, akin, cream
Chivalric certainty refers to which poetic device ?
(A) Alliteration
(B) Metaphor
(C) Simile
(D) Repetition

  1. (para 1)Aunt Jennifer’s  finger’s ———Aunt Jennifer’s hands a)What was aunt doing with her wool b)Why does she find it difficult to pull ivory needle ? c) What does wedding band means ? d) Describe the irony of 3rd line ? ?
  2. Aunt Jennifer’s Tiger ——- chivalric certainty  a) Why are the tiger is known as aunt’s tiger? b) How is it described in lines  c)How is it different from aunt’s tiger d)what does Chivalric mean  e)What does the world of green mean f)Why are the tigers not afraid of men beneath the tree g)What does poet mean  denizens of a world of green ?h) What are her tiger symbolic of ? Who is they ? Where are they? why are they not afraid of men ? What doe poet mean by sleek ? Name the poet ? i) word similar to “to move / to leap about ” Explain the phrase in which it represent that Aunt tiger was not real

(para 3) When Aunt is dead —— unafraid . a)Who is Aunt mentioned here  b)Why is she ringed wit ??h ordeals c) what is the difference between her and her tiger? d) Why Aunt created the tiger very different from her own character ? e)Why her hands terrified f)Why did she make the tiger g) What will happen to her tiger after her death ?


He said I was unhappy——from reality . a) Why  didn’t Charley grandfather need refuge from the reality b)Why was Sam Verdict make Charley ‘s wife mad ? c)What were the  condition of modern world ? d) Sam’s explanation  to the reaction of Charley’s wife was—-

Para : Now I don’t know ——-Lousia, my wife a) The incident took place while he was ——-b)What did Charley want ? c)Why did Charley not want to escape anything ? d) What is the writing style of the writer ?

Para : Have You ever been ——-tickets for that a) The author wants two tickets to a place what year does he wish to go back ?b) The author asked the question to whom ? c)  Tremendous trees whose branches meet overhead and roof  the  streets is the example of ——— d) How is the life been described in para ?

Para : Yes I’ve taken ——-at Grand Central Station a) Why did the narrator got a psychiatrist ?b)Walking dream wish fulfillment  according to the psychiatrist in the lesson ? c) The third Level according to Charley was ——- d) what does the psychiatrist explain to Charley?

important question from the para : (2024)

Anyway here what had happened at Grand Central. One night last
summer——- a straw hat with a fancy band; I passed a
dozen men who looked just like me.

(i)List any two details about how Charley was dressed up.
(ii)Charley decided to use the subway because it was :
(A) quicker.
(B) cheaper.
(C) more fashionable.
(D) safer.
Complete the following sentence appropriately.
Landing at the  3rd level was due to Charley’s flight of_________.
(iv)Which time frame is represented through the kind of outfit
mentioned in the extract ?
(A) pre world war era
(B) the present times
(C) the eighteenth century
(D) in the future


Will  the west Antarctic ——layers of ice  a) What does the phrase mean “May or May not be”? b) Find the word meaning “Perfect” c) Why does Antarctica hold importance ?d) The question asked by narrator signify ——-?

Para : Students on ice —– not to be affected by it a) Students in Ice is ——- headed by Geoff  Green . b) Characterize the  celebrities   on your understanding  from para c) Give suitable title d)Why did Green start his students on ice programme ? e)The life changing experience referred to here —— f)Future generation policy maker refers to ——-  g) What is the aim of journey towards Antarctica  h) was the programme become successful


The reason the programme has been so successful is because it is————impossible to go anywhere near the South Pole and not be affected by it. It’s easy to be blase about polar ice caps melting while sitting

(i)As per the given extract, the reason for the success of the
programme is
(A)the participation of young students.
(B)the journey to Antarctica.(c)the exposure to reality.
(D)it was impossible to go near south pole.
Complete the following sentence.
The warning that can be inferred from the above extract is——-.
(i1) State whether the statement given is TRUE or FALSE with
reference to the extract.
Global warming is a threat to human survival.
(b)Explain one inference that can be drawn from the line “It’s easy
to be blase about polar ice caps melting while sitting in the
comfort zone”

Poets and Pancakes 


Then the poet spoke. He couldn’t have addressed a more dazed and
silent audience – no one knew what he was talking about and his
accent defeated any attempt to understand what he was saying. The
whole thing lasted about an hour ; then the poet left and we all
dispersed in utter bafflement – What are we doing ? What is an
English poet doing in a film studio which makes Tamil films for the
simplest sort of people ? People whose lives least afforded them the
possibility of cultivating a taste for English poetry. The poet looked
pretty baffled too, for he must have felt the sheer incongruity of his
talk about the thrills and travails of an English poet. His visit
remained an unexplained mystery.
Choose the correct option:
The reason for the bewilderment of the audience is
(A)unknown identity of the visitor.
(B)that the speaker had not been introduced to them.
(C)visit of an English poet to a Tamil film studio.
(D) that they did not understand English.
i) By thrills and travails” the author refers to
(A)joy and happiness (B)excitement and pain(C)interest and aspiration(D)have no exposure other than to their own circle?

State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE

The audience were enthralled by the poet’s impressive speech.



(Para) Poor man ——-daring to look up  a) list the two details discussed by M Hamel in para b) what was the reaction of Hamel for non performance c) The old men of the village on the back of benches ——– d)Who is poor man ?  and cental idea of extract ?

Para :Then from one thing ——–heads at one stroke  a)What advice of Hamel shows that  he was a patriot indulging in sentimental exaggeration ? b) Explain “The French language—–in the world from the above para c) What is inference from the lines ” M.Hamel went—–forget it d) Identify the line which shows that it was last class of M.Hamel  e) Why was narrator feeling the last class easy f) complete the sentence: A language gives a culture and national ——— to the people and moulds their perceptions.

Para : My children ,this is ——–at the town hall . a) what does writer mean ” what a thunderclap these words were to me ” ? and what is the tone of fraz .? c) What is the feeling M Hamel in the lines ? d) What did Fraz realized that the order was put up on the bulletin board ?


They have lived here for more than thirty years without an identity, without permits but with ration cards that get their names on voter———Wherever they find food,
they pitch their tents. (2024)
The ragpickers have been living there for ____________
(A) three
(B) four
(C) two
(D) five
(ii) Why do these people have ration cards ?
(iii) “pitch their tent ” shows the lifestyle——-
(iv) In spite of the hardships, they are not willing to go back to
their homeland because __________.
(v) The women had a/an __________ approach towards life. 1
(A) idealistic
(B) passive
(C) indifferent
(D) practical
(vi) what does it mean ” goes to bed without aching the stomach”
indicate ?


Why do you do this ” I ask Saheb whom I encounter every morning———–There is no school in my neighbourhood. When they build one, I will on»
Choose the correct option.
The expression ‘scrounging for gold’ refers to
(A)rummaging the garbage.(B)searching for gold items.
(C) looking for something that can fetch money.(D) digging to find food to eat.
(ii) The influence of nature in Saheb’s life was that it
(A)brought prosperity(B)gave them home(C)yielded food for them
(D) brought disaster
iii) Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.
Saheb’s conversation with the narrator draws———-
towards Saheb.
Explain one inference that can be drawn from the line “……
realizing how hollow the advice must sound”.
(vi)The expression ‘when they build one, I will go’ indicates Saheb’s ———–to go to school.
State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE.
.. his home is not even a distant dream’ states that Saheb sees
his home often in his dream.

(para)Unaware of what his name ——is on explanation a) What was writer purpose in allowing the boys to speak for themselves as opposed to his  commentary b) What does writer mean ” an army of barefoot——-disappear at noon ” c) What  was the comment about mis matched shoes ? d)The phrase “he answers simply ” means in one word ?

Para : Listening to them —- motor mechanic  he repeats a) Who is being  burdened under the baggage  of the two worlds ? b) Stigma of  caste means c) What is Brutal in extract ? d) who is narrator ? e) Baggage mean in para ? f) what is the role of Sahukars g) Writer finds ———

Para : To do anything ——–staring at ground a)What was Mukesh supposed to be if not motor  mechanic b) I will Walk what does Mukesh mean ? c) Is Mukesh reasonable how ?d) Why does writer ask for driving aero plane ? e) what does it mean “daring is not the part of his growing up ”

Para : Food is more important ——-a child  it is even more  a) Give two details  of rag pickers   b) What  is transit home mean ?  c) The rag picking  has attained the position of skill d) For the child garbage is ——-

Para  Together they imposed—— from his home  a) Who are they ? b) What is not the part of his growing up ? c) How do you say Mukesh dream require determination  and sincerity ? d) Why does the writer state the boy accepts bangle making as naturally as his father ?


She crouched close—–always contradicted. a) The para has been taken from ——-b) What does confute mean ? c) The young American was wounded because ——  and belongs to ——?

Para : The master ought ——- take revenge on us . a) complete the sentence :The speaker of the given lines does not like Whiteman because ——- b) Represent the nature of para c) Give suitable title of extract d)Why the speaker did not  want the the white man to live ?

Para :We must simply —–prisoner of war .a) Complete the sentence  : Dr Sadao will not be arrested on the charge of harboring an enemy—– b) Who is them ? c) Who speaks the lines d)What will Sadao and Hana do wit the man ?

Para : His father had taken ——- What we make it a) Who is the little boy  b) What is steppingstone c) what does yonder mean in para  d) Where shall we step from them he asked seriously replace the word seriously with suitable  word

Para : In the afternoon the second ——– is that all . a) Why  did the messenger  came to Sadao ?b) Name the lesson and writer c) Unaccustomed labour means —- d) what was Hana fear ?

Para : Because he was perfecting ——–kept in Japan , a)Why was Dr Sadao not sent with troops ? b) What kind of a person was the father of Sadao ? c) The  General referred  in para is —- d) How does the General help Sadao ?

Para : Not by you ——- while he sleep a) there is a need to assassinate him because —— b) List the speaker purpose behind getting the white man assassinated ? c) What character do you find about General ? d) Who hatched the plan to kill the Whiteman was he successful ?


As he walked along ——–turn had come a)Why  is peddler  decided to take the other way ? b) ———–  caused him no difficulty during the early hours c) How did the peddler fall into rat trap ? d) Give the textual clue that protagonist had fallen to the prey to rat trap e) smartness refer to ——

Para : But of course —— said the iron master a) What does writer mean ” thing are going downhill” b) why did  the protagonist not reveal his true identity ? c) The peddler was incorrigible fellow because ——- d) Write the personality of ironmaster can be extracted from the para  e) What important information do you get about Nils Olof ? f) Write idomatic expression  of peddlers doing i) Silp of  tongue ii) pull wool over some eye iii) to err is human to forgive is divine iv ) the sleep of the just

Para :  Once upon  a time ——– in his eyes . a) The peddler — thievery what does the sentence  mean ?b) What does peddler appearance signifies ?c) Who is the writer ?  d) Phrase  to keep body and soul together means  ?  e) What are rags?



Derry : I there. .I thought this was an empty place. I didn’t
know there was anybody here.
Mr. Lamb : That’s I am here .What do you afraid of boy?
Derry : I thought it was empty .——-an empty house.
Mr. Lamb : So it is. Since I am here in the garden. It is empty. Until I go back inside in the meantime I am out here.
and likely to stop. A day like this. Beautiful day. Not a
day to be indoors.
Derry : [Panic]

Derry (panic) I’ve got ——I like sitting

(i) Derry was stammering because of :
(A) a speech defect.
(B) excitement.
(C) anger.
(D) fear.
(ii) Complete the sentence appropriately.
Derry insisted on going back because __________.
(iii) Mr. Lamb was trying to tell Derry that :
(A) it was a matter of perception.
(B) Derry could stay with him.
(C) he spent all his days in the garden.(D) He was fond of company

(iv)From the extract, one can infer that Mr. Lamb was a/an :
(A) compassionate man.
(B) mysterious character.
(C) new neighbour.
(D) unreasonable man.

a) What does “only you climbed the garden wall ” mean b) How did Derry enter the Garden c) Do you think Mr Lamb was angry to Derry what does say  d) Should Derry get angry to Lamb ?

Para : Friends everywhere ———-so have you a)Why Lamb always keeps the gate of his garden open .b) What does it tell about speaker c) What does it mean gate always open ? d) Name the writer of the story

Para  Derry : things ——– Mr Lamb :In that way ? No  You won’t  a) What is the purpose of contradiction in both ? b) What is the attitude of Derry towards other people ? c) What does ” Handsome is as handsome does ” mean d) Give the reason why narrator use the nature images in  example ?

Para : Derry It won’t make —– mother could love ? a) What was the purpose of play wright ? b) What is whisper mean ? c) How did people treat Derry  d) The person who called Derryis terrible thingin the para is ———

Para : Mr Lamb : Like a bomb —— world would be ? a)  How is Derry and  Lamb related b) What was the stranger belief of Derry about people ? c) The attitude of She in para d) What does “you can burn away inside ” mean ?



Their spontaneous demonstration, in thousands, around the
courthouse was the beginning of their liberation——–Apparently, the authorities wished to consult their

(i)The result of the demonstration was that _________.
(ii)The participants of the spontaneous demonstration were :
(A) . people of Champaran.
(B) Indigo landowners.
(C) Indian soldiers.(D) Gandhi ji ‘s lawyer

Gandhi cooperated with the British by :
(A) not going to the court.
(B) remaining quiet when he was accused.
(C) helping to manage the mob of people.
(D) leaving Champaran for Delhi.
The statement Apparently, the authorities wished to consult
their superiors was indicative of the Britisher————

Baffled means and Whose might did this demonstration question?

(Para)But the Gandhi was ——- all bound together  a) Why did Gandhi  taught the sharecroppers the lesson of self reliance ? b) Rajender Prasad who was a lawyer  later became ——- c) what is Fiercely mean ? d)Why  did Gandhi  vehemently opposed the idea of taking help from Charles Andrews e)  He had read our minds correctly what does Rajender Prasad mean ?

Para : The news of Gandhi advent ——- size of their fee  a)What was the mission of Gandhi in para b)  Against whom were the case fought ? What does their cases mean ? c) complete the sentence  The fact that the  sharecroppers from Champaran began arriving on foot shows that —— d) How do you conclude that lawyer did not care for peasants’

Para : He was involved —— the penalty due , a) Give the details Gandhi ji gave in para b) Why did Gandhi ji call fighting for rights of the poor farmers as national service ? c) What was the consequences of the  court proceeding? d) Why did Gandhi ji disobey the authority ? e) Central idea  of para  f) Conflict of duties means ——?


Then I started down ——–curtain of life fell a) What does writer mean the curtain of life fell  b) After a while——- in water means ? c)The author shows the gradationof what stages of fear ? d)when the curtain of life fell. Douglas surrendered before death and with—— crossed to oblivion .

Para : It seemed a long way ——-tinge to it  a) Why did  nine feet deep poolseem ninety to Douglas ? b) I imagined I would bob  to the surface like a cork  what does it imply ? c) pick the word  which means ” make a quick ,short movement up and down ” d) Where did the event took place ? e) ” It seemed a long way down what does author mean ?


The Maharaja and the Dewan ———Retain his kingdom a) The narrator’s purpose  using phrase  a good lady b) What was the emotions behind sending rings to the wife of British officer ? c) On which issue did Maharaja and Dewan  hold deliberation ? What does the line “within no time—- for your gift” mean




And afterwards you wait —–exultant approbation  a) What does author wants to portray through the words and she saw it all again ? b) what does author mean ” No taller than you no bolder than you ” ?  c)What does writer mean by the prodigy the innocent genius the great Danny Casey d) Which prodigy suits for Danny Casey as professional football player ? e) find suitable word in para which means Lumbering


from that day onwards it was celebration time for all the tigers
inhabiting Pratibandapuram.————killing the hundred tigers. Initially the king seemed well set to realise his ambition.

Select the correct option:
.. he would attend to all other matters only after killing
hundred tigers’, This reflects Tiger King’s
(A)courage(B)selfishness(C)determination(D) kindness
(ii)Complete the sentence appropriately.
From that day onwards it was celebration time for all the
tigers. The above. statement is ironical in the sense
(iii) .ifanyone dared to fling so much as a stone at a tiger, all his
wealth and property would be confiscated’,
What trait of the king is reflected in the above line?

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